X2Earn Apps
The ‘X’ in X-2-Earn refers to the mathematical concept of the unknown variable. ‘X’ can be applied to any kind of sustainability ecosystem with an earn mechanism. For example, ‘Plant-2-Earn', for an ecosystem that rewards tree planting. Sweat-2-Earn, for dApps that reward working out, and so on. B3TR tokens distributed to X-2-Earn dApps are, in part, intended as a source of incentivization for users. They may serve other purposes, such as encouraging builders, or for marketing and sponsorships etc. B3TR reward distribution plans are at the discretion of projects and the voting community who will approve or disapprove of a project’s reward proposals through voting.
Join VeBetterDAO
Currently, it is up to the DAO admins to add or remove apps to the ecosystem. We will transition to a decentralized solution in the near future.
App ID
When your app is added to the contract an appId
is generated by hashing the app name. This id cannot be updated in the future, even if you change the name of your app.
Voting Eligibility
Once apps are added they will be eligible to receive funds from the next allocation round. Eligibility can be revoked and granted again at any time by the governance, but those actions will always take effect starting from the next round.
When an app is added the following information is saved on-chain:
name: the name of the app, cannot change once it's added.
app ID: is the hash of the name of the app (from the previous point) and it's used as a unique identifier across all the smart contracts; once the app is added and this ID is generated it cannot be updated.
receiver address: this is the address where the app will receive the allocation funds, also addressed to as "Treasury address".
creation timestamp: the timestamp when the app was added.
metadata URI: the IPFS CID containing all the information of the app, which will be used by the frontend to display the app details.
moderators: a list of addresses that can update the metadataURI of an app.
admin: this address can add/remove moderators, change the receiver address, transfer ownership to another admin, and update the metadata URI of the app.
The metadata URI needs to follow the following standard:
Last updated