The Rewards Metadata feature allows applications to enrich reward distributions with additional contextual information. This is facilitated through the distributeRewardWithProofAndMetadata function, which accepts a JSON-formatted string as metadata.
The provided metadata is then emitted via the RewardMetadata event, enabling off-chain services to efficiently index, analyze, and utilize the data for tracking and reporting purposes.
Suggested Metadata Structure
To maintain consistency across applications, it's recommended to follow a standardized metadata structure. Below is an example of a JSON-formatted metadata string:
Keep in mind that including location metadata may require updating your privacy policy and terms of service.
To provide metadata you need to distribute the rewards through the X2EarnRewardsPool contract with the following function:
import { ProviderInternalHDWallet, ThorClient, VeChainProvider, VeChainSigner } from "@vechain/sdk-network";
import { X2EarnRewardsPool } from "@vechain/vebetterdao-contracts";
const thor = ThorClient.fromUrl("");
const provider = new VeChainProvider(
new ProviderInternalHDWallet("your space separated mnemonic".split(" "))
const rootSigner = await provider.getSigner();
// Define metadata as an object
const metadata = {
"location": {
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "Germany",
"region": "EU"
"referral_source": "social_media",
"campaign_id": "earth_day_2025"
// Call the method
const x2EarnRewardsPoolContract = thor.contracts.load(
rootSigner as VeChainSigner
const tx = await x2EarnRewardsPoolContract.transact.distributeRewardWithProofAndMetadata(
["link", "image"],
["", ""],
"User performed a sustainable action on my app",
JSON.stringify(metadata) // Convert metadata object to JSON string
await tx.wait();
import "./interfaces/IX2EarnRewardsPool.sol";
contract MyContract {
function sendRewardWithMetadata() onlyAdmin {
// this declaration is needed because solidity has
// an issue with dynamic vs fixed-size arrays
string[] memory proofTypes = new string[](1);
proofTypes[0] = "link";
string[] memory proofUrls = new string[](1);
proofUrls[0] = action.proofUrl;
string[] memory impactTypes = new string[](1);
impactTypes[0] = "waste_mass";
uint256[] memory impactValues = new uint256[](1);
// let's pretend you have another function that calculates your impact
impactValues[0] = calculateWasteMass(
IX2EarnRewardsPool x2EarnRewardsPool = IX2EarnRewardsPool(x2EarnRewardsPoolAddress);
// Constructing metadata JSON string
string memory metadata = '{"location":{"city":"Berlin","country":"Germany","region":"EU"},"referral_source":"social_media","campaign_id":"earth_day_2025"}';
// If distributeReward fails, it will revert
"User participated in a solo cleanup",
Emitted Event: RewardMetadata
Upon successful execution of the distributeRewardWithProofAndMetadata function, the RewardMetadata event is emitted with the following parameters:
amount (uint256): The distributed reward amount.
appId (bytes32): The application identifier.
receiver (address): The address receiving the reward.
metadata (string): The JSON-formatted metadata string.
distributor (address): The address initiating the distribution.
This event allows off-chain systems to listen for and process reward distributions along with their associated metadata.
Optional Usage: The metadata is optional. If your application doesn't require additional context, you can continue using the existing distributeRewardWithProof function.
Standardization: Adhere to the suggested metadata structure to ensure consistency and facilitate seamless data integration across the ecosystem.
Data Validation: Implement validation checks to ensure the metadata JSON is correctly formatted and contains relevant information before invoking the distribution function.