
Anyone holding VOT3 is a member of the DAO and can take part in voting events. VOT3 is the VeBetterDAO’s governance token, required to vote, and obtained by swapping from B3TR at a 1:1 ratio. All members can vote on proposals, participate in governance discussions, and access the Treasury, with the only minimum requirement of holding at least 1 VOT3 token. This ensures we can foster an inclusive, engaging environment for everyone.

Governance Stabilization Period and Initialization

At launch, VeBetterDAO will adhere to an initial set of governance rules until it has run for one year without any technical interruptions. The Stabilization Period is critical for ensuring the long-term efficacy and viability of VeBetterDAO. To prevent exploits during the Stabilization Period, VeChain Foundation maintains the ability to pause & restart B3TR token minting, only in the case of an exploit or other major issue. Once the requirements of the Stabilization Period have been met, community stakeholders can maintain or deprecate this functionality through governance.

Proposal Submission

Proposals are the backbone of any DAO, and the community is a key part of the proposal process. VeBetterDAO will maintain a forum for proposal submission, discussion, and voting. The forum will feature a dashboard detailing voting results, historical records, and proposal details. For a proposal to reach the final stages and be implemented, it must go through a predefined process, including initial forum-based community discussion, and a community ‘temperature check,’ before on-chain voting and implementation.

Community support

Every time a proposal is created, a deposit threshold of VOT3 tokens, calculated upon the total supply of B3TR, is calculated and must be met for the proposal to become active.

This deposit functions as a temperature check—if the community believes the proposal is worth considering, they can contribute a certain amount of VOT3. If enough VOT3 is deposited (reaching the threshold) before the end of the waiting period, the proposal becomes active; otherwise, it is automatically canceled.

Users can withdraw their VOT3 deposits once the proposal is canceled or the voting period starts.

While tokens are locked for supporting the proposal they cannot be used to vote in allocation rounds or other proposals. This means that if we are in Round #2 and you support a proposal that will start in Round #4 you won't be able to access those tokens/vote in Round #3 and Round #4.

Governance Process

The governance process is the following: propose → vote → execute if succeeded.

Let's break it down:

  1. Everyone can create a proposal. When creating a proposal the user specifies a description and an action to be performed on proposal success. The action can be: - Call the function x() of the contract with address 0x00000 with the following parameters. - Call multiple functions of different contracts with different parameters in a specific order. - Do nothing. E.g.: “Let’s add feature X”. Even if the outcome is “YES” there is no on-chain action to perform immediately because it needs off-chain developers' involvement. When the proposal is created a snapshot of the total supply of VOT3 tokens and balances of each VOT3 holder is taken and used to calculate individual voting power. Proposals are aligned with the allocation rounds voting periods, so the proposer must also specify the round when the proposal should become active.

  2. After the proposal is created there is a waiting period before the proposal becomes active (can receive votes). During this waiting period, there is a temperature check and the community must fund the proposal with VOT3 tokens. Each proposal has a deposit threshold to reach, and if this threshold is not reached then the proposal gets automatically canceled. During this waiting period, the proposal can be canceled by the user who created it or by an admin of the DAO.

  3. Once the proposal is active VOT3 holders can vote AGAINST/YES/ABSTAIN for that proposal. Each proposal will remain active for the duration of the round. When you cast your vote all 100% of your voting power will be used.

  4. Once the voting period is over, if the quorum is reached and the majority voted in favor, the proposal is considered successful and can proceed to be executed. A Timelock is used for this operation, which adds a delay to proposal execution.


Quorum is 30% of the total supply of VOT3. All types of votes (yes, no and abstain) are considered when calculating if quorum is reached.

Voting rewards are distributed regardless of what type of vote was cast.

Vote Outcome

If a quorum is not reached then the proposal is considered defeated.

If a quorum is reached then "yes" and "no" votes are counted, if "yes" votes are more than "no" votes then the proposal is considered succeeded.

Voting rewards are distributed regardless of the vote outcome.


The VeBetterDAO's Governance contract can execute actions on all contracts deployed on the vechain blockchain, provided the respective contracts permit those actions.

We added a timelock to governance decisions, this allows users to exit the system if they disagree with a decision before it is executed. We are using OpenZeppelin’s TimelockController in combination with the GovernorTimelockControl module to achieve this. To execute a proposal it first needs to be queued to Timelock contract and wait a specified amount of time before being able to execute it.

Initially only selected admins will be able to execute proposals.

Vote Delegation

For DAOs that use the Governor contract (as we do), only delegated tokens can participate in voting. What does this mean for you, a token holder?

You must set up delegation if you want to participate in governance votes. This includes delegating to others or voting yourself.

If you wish to vote on proposals directly, delegate your voting power to your own address. Or, you can delegate your voting power to another community member and let them vote on your behalf.

Currently, we have an auto-delegation feature in our smart contract that will automatically delegate to you when you convert B3TR to VOT3 or someone sends you VOT3 tokens. However this auto-delegation feature is not enabled for smart contracts, so if you are writing a smart contract that wants to receive VOT3 tokens and participate in governance you will need to manually delegate. This needs to be done only once.

Quadratic Voting

🚨 Note: QV is currently disabled starting from Round 12 onwards. Linear voting is now in effect (see details below).

Quadratic Voting (QV) is a method used to re-calibrate voting power within the VeBetter DAO, specifically for the B3TR Governance model. Unlike traditional voting mechanisms that may disproportionately empower large token holders, QV modifies this by determining voting power based on the square root of the number of VOT3 tokens held. This approach ensures that while voting power increases with more tokens, it does so at a diminishing rate.

The formula shown below reduces the influence larger stakeholders might have, promoting a more balanced and fair decision-making process.

Each voter casts their vote as FOR, AGAINST, or ABSTAIN on proposals, with the effective weight of these votes directly linked to their recalculated voting power​. This structure not only aligns with standard quadratic voting practices but also ensures governance is more reflective of the wider community preferences.

Linear Voting

By default, QV is enabled for all voting rounds. However, governance and admins can choose to disable QV, switching to linear voting. In linear voting, voting power is directly proportional to the number of VOT3 tokens a user holds.

  • Important Note: If QV is disabled by an admin during an ongoing round, the change will only take effect starting from the next round.

Upgradeable parameters

The following parameters can be updated by governance:

  • Quorum: currently set at 30% of total VOT3 supply

  • Deposit Threshold: percentage of the total supply of B3TR tokens that need to be deposited in VOT3 to create a proposal, currently set at 2%

  • Voting Threshold: the minimum amount of tokens needed to cast a vote, currently set at 1

  • Minimum Voting Delay: the minimum delay a proposal must be in a PENDING state before voting can start, currently set at 3 days

  • Timelock Minimum Delay: time to wait before a proposal can be executed after it was queued

  • Voting Period: the duration of the proposal; it is not possible however change this on the governance contract itself since it's aligned with the Emissions cycles, so the cycle duration should be updated to see the same changes in governance.

  • Enable / Disable Functions Restrictions: if disabled there isn't any restriction on what contracts and functions can be called when creating a proposal

  • Whitelist Functions: if function restrictions are enabled then whitelist a target and function

Last updated

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