Submit X2Earn App

The x2Earn apps ecosystem, currently managed by DAO admins, is on the cusp of a significant transformation towards a fully decentralized model. As we work towards this transition, developers and innovators in the space can still engage with the ecosystem and contribute their x2Earn applications through a few key methods.

You can:

  • Apply for a grant ( ) One of the most direct ways to get involved is by applying for a grant. Detailed information and the application form can be found at VeChain Grants. Securing a grant not only provides funding but also facilitates direct contact with our team, offering support and guidance for your project. This is an excellent opportunity for both established app developers and those with promising app ideas to gain the necessary resources to bring their concepts to fruition.

  • Create a general-purpose proposal on our governance dApp asking to be added to the ecosystem

  • Get in touch with us on our Discord or Telegram channels. For those who prefer a more immediate and interactive approach, our Discord and Telegram channels are open for you to get in touch with us. Engaging with the community through these channels can provide real-time support and feedback, as well as networking opportunities with other developers and stakeholders.

Once your app is added to the VeBetterDAO ecosystem it will be eligible to be weekly funded with B3TR tokens as a result of the allocation rounds: you will compete against other apps to receive as many B3TR tokens as possible, with holders of the token that will vote for the app they think deserves it the most.

Creating Your App on VeBetterDAO

If you want to create an x2earn app it needs to have the following features:

  • Be able to distribute B3TR tokens

  • Be able to associate a public address (aka wallet) to each user

  • Be able to create a proof of the sustainable action the user performed

If you want to know more about how to integrate those features into your app you can look at the Integration and Sustainable Proofs sections.

To add your app to VeBetterDAO you will need to provide the following information:

  • Treasury address: this is the address where B3TR tokens will be sent in case you will need to withdraw some tokens from the received weekly allocations (eg: you need some B3TR for marketing, team shares, etc.). This address can be a multi-sig or a simple EOA, it's up to you.

  • Admin address: this is the address that has superpowers for your app; it can update any details of the app, change the Treasury address, or move the ownership to another wallet. You can use the same wallet you use for the Treasury, another multi-sig, or a simple EOA as well.

  • Name of the app: this will be used to generate your APP ID, which is a very important piece of information that you will need to use when distributing rewards or interacting with the VeBetterDAO contracts.

  • MetadataURI: the IPFS CID containing all the app's information, used by the frontend, and other apps, to display details about your app. You can see the JSON structure here. You don't need to worry about uploading the JSON to IPFS, we will do it for you, but you will need to provide some required info, like the logo, banner, and description of your app.

Once your app is added you will obtain an APP_ID that VeBetterDAO and other projects will use to recognize your app. You will also need to use your Admin address to add a Reward Distributor to distribute your rewards to the users. This is a simple address and it should belong to the contract or wallet that you will use to distribute the rewards. Be aware that this address can also withdraw funds, so protect its access correctly.

You will receive your first B3TR tokens at least one week after joining VeBetterDAO, following the completion of at least one voting round. Therefore, you will need to address the scenario where people might see your app in VeBetterDAO and attempt to use it before you are able to distribute rewards.


To aid in the development process, we've created several valuable resources:

  • Play with our test environment Utilize our testnet environment to add apps to the ecosystem, interact with smart contracts, and manage reward distribution. Detailed information about the test environment can be found in its dedicated section, providing you with a sandbox to refine and test your applications before going live.

  • Read the Integration and the Sustainability Proofs sections to understand how to distribute B3TR tokens

  • X-App-Template ( This template serves as a foundational guide to help you code your app and interact effectively with VBD. It's a demo of an app where you can scan grocery receipts and be rewarded if you buy sustainably.

  • Vechain Getting Started Documentation Documentation of everything you need to know about vechain and blockchain technology to create a decentralized app.

  • VeBetterDAO contracts A package containing all the smart contracts used in mainnet. You can also install this repository as a dependency in your project and use it to access the ABIs of the contracts and their addresses.

Last updated